Diamond of Ambition

At the top of the Tree we see the Centres and Channels that are oriented to yourself and have almost no connection to your work.
The Diamond of Ambition diagram shows it to be a composite: the Triangle of Subordination sits on the Triangle of Belonging with loyalty as the common border.
If you are an ambitious employee, you must energize yourself. Low energy individuals do not go far. That means convincing yourself, despite a restlessness based on feeling under-used and perhaps even under-appreciated, you are satisfied with your current employment. The moment you become dissatisfied (all things considered), it is definitely time to think of moving on.
However, while working in the current organization, you must put a premium on controlling yourself. ownership of what is alien, you demonstrate how important the organization is for you and how loyal you are to it.
requires a great deal of self-control, especially when the ideas are new to you or you personally disagree with management. However, by takingPowerful people (on whom you depend) like being flattered in ways that they can interpret as a recognition of their good sense. Refusing to argue when they know they are right is generally a good idea. Whatever your inmost thoughts might be, you submit without question to higher authority.
By becoming a good follower, you learn about the type of leader enabled and valued in the culture. However, you can (and should) also test out your own way of being a leader. Leadership is a highly personal matter, more so than followership where passive conformity will often do the trick. If your natural approach is not welcomed, then you may need to move on.
► See the geometry of personalization.
Originally posted: 17-Dec-2011